Cases > Broadband

Our broadband and multimedia experience covers FTTx (GPON, Pt.-to-Pt., etc.), xDSL, cable TV, LTE and WiMax technologies as well as Internet access, international IP connectivity, backbone networks (terrestrial and submarine), Triple Play, video and IPTV. We have helped clients develop effective broadband deployment strategies and achieve related acquisition, regulatory objectives in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America.

Near-Universal Ultra-Fast Broadband Deployment

We demonstrated how a government in the Middle East could effect a near-universal (90%+ of households and virtually all businesses) ultra-fast broadband deployment (100 Mbps) with a relatively small up-front investment, given the composition and density of its housing stock and office/retail sector and the likely service take-up rate. Our approach required a balance between market factors and government participation in designing effective broadband development partnerships.

Fiber Backbone and International Gateway

For a land-locked government in Africa we identified and screened 12 operators and investment groups (out of 40+) interested in bidding on the opportunity to construct and operate a fiber backbone and international gateway that will lower the access cost of Internet connectivity and promote competition in the wholesale market. We next prepared the tender package including a reverse auction component; helped evaluate the bids that were submitted and prepared the service contract that was signed by the winning bidder. The backbone network is being built under a Public-Private Partnership structure, with the government serving as anchor client.

Ka-band Demand for Broadband Assessment

For a prospective Ka-band entrant we assessed the demand for broadband services and applications in the residential, SOHO and SME segments of the U.S. market, taking into account competitive positions and deployment plans of cable TV and telephone companies (using xDSL and FTTx). Our recommendations outlined the applications and product offerings that would be effective in penetrating the market and identified geographic regions and market niches that should be targeted initially.

High-Speed Broadband Strategy in Support of Economic Development

We developed a highly successful strategy for New York State to attract a growing share of motion picture and TV production and post-production business in the face of California’s traditional strength and growing competition from other states, Canada and other international venues. The strategy included a broadband network component to facilitate video access during the post-production process.  New York increased its market share significantly.

Broadband Knowledge Bank

We have supported our broadband development practice with case studies that carefully analyze the critical ingredients of broadband deployment and take-up success. We have performed such analyses of Azerbaijan, Canada, Georgia, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Lithuania, Malta, Malaysia, Singapore, Sweden, Tanzania, UAE, United States and other countries. In the process we have identified supply-side, demand-side and regulatory approaches, keeping in mind the situations in which they have proven to be effective and the degree to which the strategies and resulting lessons are transferable to other countries.

Broadband Management Resources

Our consultants have managed large investments in broadband backbones, cable TV services and programming ventures in Central America, Europe, the Middle East, Russia and the United States. This has included the deployment of new fiber and HFC networks, the operational integration of acquisitions, and the negotiation of cross-border video JVs.